Sivappu Manjal Pachai TamilRockers is an Tamil language action thriller film from 2019, written and directed by Sasi for the glory of Pichaikkaran. The film stars is Siddharth, G.V. Prakash Kumar, Lijomol Jose and Kashmira Pardeshi, the first film of the latest Tamil film.
The film was produced by Ramesh P. Pillai and produced the flag of Abhishek Films, which had previously distributed Tamil films. The main recording of the film began in July 2018. The film released on September 6, 2019.
Sivappu Manjal Pachai Movie Story Line
Sivappu Manjal Pachai Sasi strives for a good family drama, but overcomes it with melodrama. Siddharth and GV Prakash complement each other, but they can’t do much for this film. The film produced by Rajesh P Pillai under the motto of Abhishek. This reported in the final phase and should appear on the screen this summer.
Siddharth is a traffic officer in Sivappu Manjal Pachai, motorcyclist and GV Prakash. The film said to an emotional tension in the relationship between a brother and a sister, played by GV Prakash and the Malaysian actress Lijo Mol. Sidhu Kumar composes the music of the film and Prasanna Kumar takes care of the camera. The film should appear later this year.
The official approval of Sivappu Manjal Pachai made public by the producers on March 8, 2019; In addition, important announcements made on the posters and tips for their publication in the summer of 2019.
Back in speech three years after the success of Pichaikkaran, filmmaker Sasi produced a well-intended family drama in Sivappu Manjal Pachai. However, this film feels bloated in some places due to excessive melodrama. This is a genuine attempt to alleviate melodrama for more effect.
Siddharth, G.V. Prakash Kumar in Sivappu Manjal Pachai
The film focuses on sister relationships and is also the first film by the popular actress Malayalam Lijomol in the Tamil cinema. Lijomol known for his role in the prize-winning film of Mollywood, the prize-winning film of Mollywood, Fahadh Faasil ‘Maheshinte Prathikaaram’.
The music of the film composed by the words of the novice Siddharth, G.V. Prakash Kumar and Mohan Rajan and Dhamayanthi. The official trailer for this film released on August 31, 2019 by Think Music India.
Awesome Movie….