Alaudhinin Arputha Camera TamilRockers, is the next Tamil thriller film written and produced by Naveen who played in this movie as a male lead opposite to actress Anandhi Kayal. The director of Madras Enterprises S. Nandagopal used as a villain of the movie. Actors such as S. Nandagopal, Athiyappan Siva and Kuberan played important roles in Alaudhinin Arputha Camera.
Natarajan Sankaran, who made his debut with Moodar Koodam, makes music for the film and Batcha Train takes the cinematography of this film. The passion of Purushothaman is the publisher of this film.
Naveen in Alaudhinin Arputha Camera
This is the third Director Naveen. His second film, Samantha Shakanah and Sanghavi, has not started yet. It is an interesting combination, because Naveen worried about Moodar Koodam a black comedy that follows an unusual path in Tamil cinema. Most parts of this film were taken abroad, mainly to Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
The film “Nonsense” by Naveen is out. She laughs with a spiritual smile. Four friends who did not go to work suddenly became friends when they did not eat the next time. The story was what happened the first time they stole me. Communist ideology simply given to people via the awesome storyline welcomed by the fans.
The driver is the film recording film using the link below, in which the maker performs an interesting pilot test. The most important teaser and voice will soon be available. You can get more information about this movie by stay connected with Alaudhinin Arputha Camera Tamilrockers