Aruvi TamilRockers is a Tamil social drama film written and directed in the first feature film by Arun Prabu Purushothaman. This film describes the life events of Aruvi (Aditi Balan), a young rebel who tries to discover the consumer and the perverse nature of modern civilization while trying to find meaning in an existential crisis.
The Aruvi film was produced by Dream Warrior Pictures and was released globally on 15 December 2017. It received widespread critical acclaim, with praise directed towards the performances of the cast and the film’s direction.
Aruvi Movie Story Line
Bindu Malini and Dedanth Bharathwaj received points for the film by poet Kutty Revathy. Shelly shot the camera; Raymond Derick Cralda was responsible. The story of this film focuses on human emotions and life perspectives. Prabhu also said that nearly 500 people had auditioned for the film. In this film there are many people who are real professionals from different living spaces and only play on the screen.
The film starts with questioning Emily (Mohammed Ali Baig) of Aruvi and Shakeel, suspected of belonging to a terrorist organization. The parents and friends of Aruvi have to talk to people who talk about his childhood and adolescence. An innocent girl who came lovingly from a middle-class family. Things changed in her life when her family turned against her and threw her out of the house and accused her of shame.
Aruvi is a drama that focuses on a unique character who describes himself as a thriller, a black comedy, a conscience film and a tragedy. This film is a sociopolitical drama by Arun Prabhu Purushothaman. This is one of the newest and most traditional films and Aditi Balan has excellent performance. This actress is one of the most brilliant theater releases of the Tamil cinema. Aditi Balan, Anjali Vardhan, Lakshmi Gopalasamy and Pradeep Antony.
Aditi Balan in Aruvi
The producer has produced another film with the slogan “Aruvi”, which well received by international and national film festivals. Impressed by the extraordinary reaction that passed him, SR Prabhu, producer of Dream Warrior Pictures, tweeted: “Aruvi had a good experience.
SR Prabhu of Dream Warrior Pictures believes in the production of quality films. Maya’s first film with Nayanthara directed by critics and the public. Prabhu recently attended the Shanghai International Film Festival for his new film Aruvi, which won a major prize.