Graghanam TamilRockers is an next Tamil thriller film about an unprecedented supernatural crime, produced by Elan and produced by Big Print Pictures Production. The film shows prominent artists such as Kreshna, Chandran and Nandini Rai.
Prasad V. Potluri, son of Pearl and Param, was responsible for overseeing the production of the film. It produced by PVP Cinema and Big Print Pictures Production. Chandran was chosen as an antagonist of the film.
Graghanam Movie Story Line
‘Grahanam’ had Kreshna and the new Nandhini as the most important temporary couple, ‘Kayal’ Chandran, Karunakaran and Karunas were supporting actors. The film staged by beginner Elan, who said the prisoners played an important role in aligning the planets.
This is one of the stories about the individual and how “Grahanam”, the lunar eclipse, directly and indirectly affects a group of people. The photo is from Mani Kumaran, Sree Saravanan, Sundra Moorthy, Big Print Pictures and Grahanam from Param V Potluri.
This thriller includes Krishna, Kayal Chandran and Karunakaran at the head of the series. Produced by PVP Cinema in collaboration with Shoban Babu and Karthik from Big Print, Grahanam directed by Elan, a beginner. Elan made a major effort to bring a hero who could increase the intensity of the main character.
Kreshna in Graghanam
Telugu actress Nandini is ready to go out in Kollywood, Graghanam. Films made by stars Elan Kreshna, Chandran and Nandini. Nandini explained how the film treated and told me that I had come to Chennai to audition. I saw so many beautiful girls auditioning for the role of Mumbai, which made me wonder if I could bear it.
The eclipse has hit a few people in the city. The way they respond and handle problems is the story of Graghanam. It announced that the film completed in October 2015 after the start of production and that Kreshna dubbed for the film in April 2016. Despite being Ilan’s debut film due to film’s long delay, Pyaar Prema Kaadhal became his debut release.