Kappela Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an Indian dramatic film from Malayalam 2020 directed by Muhammad Musthafa. The film plays Anna Ben, Sreenath Bhasi, Roshan Mathew, Tanvi Ram and Sudhi Koppa as main characters. Kappela film music composed by Sushin Shyam and Edited by Noufal Abdullah.
Muhammad Musthafa, famous for his role in “Paleri Manikyam“, marks his first attempt to direct with “Kappela”. The film is screened in Sreenath Bhasi, Ambulance Tanvi Ram and the reputation of Sudhi Koppa. Navas Vallikkunnu, Sudeesh and Nisha. The camera is the work of Jimshi Khalid and the music is Sushin Shyam.
Kappela Movie Story Line
Actor Muhammad Musthafa, who won the 2014 national prize for his appearance in the film Ain, is ready to become a film maker. Anna Ben, Roshan Mathew and Sreenath Bhasi, famous for Kumbalangi Nights, play an important role in the film, which will be released at the end of September.
The second appearance of Anna Ben-Roshan star Mathew Kappela has appeared. The first actor of the director, Muhammad Musthafa, has also appeared in Sreenath Bhasi, Sudhi Koppa, Navas Vallikkunnu, Sudeesh and Nisha Sarang. Jimshi Khalid sat behind the camera and composed music written by Sushin Shyam, Mustapha de Kappela, Nikhil Wahid and Sudas.
The poster of a character recently published and viewed with a simple churidhar with all smiles. The modest avatar approved film visitors, so we can wait for the film. The camera is the work of Jimshi Khalid and the music is Sushin Shyam. Kappela, funded by Vishnu Venu under the banner of Kadhaas Untold, scheduled for February 28.
Kappela Tamil Dubbed
“I have been in the industry for 12 years and have given instructions for playing and directing alongside a few short films. It a dream come true for my friends and colleagues who have supported me in this.” Nikhil Vahid Sudas and Musthafa produced a scenario that Jimshi Khalid made a cameraman.
The film screened in Sreenath Bhasi, Ambulance Tanvi Ram and the reputation of Sudhi Koppa. Navas Vallikkunnu, Sudeesh and Nisha Sarang made by other players. The cameraman of Jimshi Khalid and Sushin Shyam will write the song on the board. It expected to increase at the end of this month. Vishnu Venu produced it under the banner of Kadhaas Untold.
The film shot by Vishnu Venu under the banner of Kadhas Untold. Nikhil Vahid and Sudhas wrote a screenplay with the director. Jimshi Khalid opened the lens and Sushin Shyam was responsible for the music department. The film should be released soon, but the release date is not yet clear.