Kushka Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an Indian Kannada drama film Directed by Vikram Yoganand and Screenplay by Balraj. This film Produced by Prathap Reddy, Madhu Gowda and Kailash Pal.
The film starring Guruprasad, Kailash Pal, Chandu Gowda, Sanjana Anand, Shobraj, Maduri Braganza and Arun Kumar in the lead roles. Music composed Abhilash Gupta, Cinematography and Edited by Vikram Yoganand.
In the web series, a group of software industry kids who have tried ‘Hasya’ are in the middle of the movie ‘Kushka’ (which means Biryani Kushka). They range from Smart Screen and PM Productions to Vikram Yoganand. Talented writer and director Guruprasad said it was a movie for “Nagaslikke”. He expressed interest because Vikram Yoganand from “Webbaja” did interesting work on the web series after making bad movies at Kannada.
Kushka Movie Story Line
This story is about billions of rupees in diamonds. The famous smugglers of the underworld are stuck with diamonds. The smuggler fell on his back because the diamond was close to the hero. It is the story of a movie. Sanjana Anand is the hero and the first full-time hero of Lakshmi Baramma Chandun Gowda.
Guruprasad was last seen as the lead actor in Vikram Yoganath’s movie “Kushka”. Guruprasad’s first exhibition poster recently published and praised. Kailash Paul said to have played an important role in the film with other protagonists. After 75% of the recordings, the producers plan to leave soon.
The film takes its name from Khushka Rice, a popular dish from South India. Other popular actors associated with Kushka are Shobaraj and Kumar Annealed. Ira Films released the film with his co-production. The film has also shown in Shobharaj and screened as a police officer and a key actor suspended by Kailash Paul. Madhuri Briganja said to be one of the two main actresses in this movie.
Kushka Tamil Dubbed
As the director of the famous Math Guruprasad Don, the film’s teaser, which embodies the villain of the comedy, is the reason for the raw speech. The effect of talking to each other in the cinema during censorship the result of the speech put in the trailer. When asked about Guruprasad’s dialogue in the trailer, “My 13-year-old son is starting to barb,” director Vikram said Janner’s film required this dialogue.
Smart Screen Productions officially released the trailer on January 20, 2020. The movie will released on March 13, 2020. The film inspired by Snatch, the film Hungama Delhi Belly. New type of crime in films from South India. The film’s soundtrack made by the compositions of Abhilash Gupta and the lyrics of Rahul Dit-O and Ramakrishna Ranagatti.
The film has also shown in Shobharaj and screened as a police officer and a key actor suspended by Kailash Paul. Madhuri Briganja said to be one of the two main actresses in this movie.