Marshal TamilRockers is a next Telugu action crime thriller film written and directed by Jai Raaja Singh. Produced by Abhay Adaka under a flag produced by AVL, Marshal movie starring Abhay Adaka, Meka Srikanth, Megha Chowdhury and Chota K Prasad in the lead roles.
The music director of Yadagiri Varikuppala composed songs and background notes for this film. Swamy R. M and Chota K Prasad are the producers and editors of this film.
Marshal Movie Story Line
In this film you enter the post-production phase and we come closer to the official announcement of the teaser and the release of the first film. Bengali actor Megha Choudhary participated in the first Tollywood competition with a debut film Jai Raja Singh.
Suman, Vinod Kumar, Prudhvi Raj and Saranya will be supported. Marshal Film has compiled the music of Varikuppala Yadagiri. On the other hand, the Srikanth in the film is said to be Kothala Rayudu. It will also published this year.
Post-production is already underway. Currently the manufacturer has released a teaser. In this case, the bold Srikanth has an elegant appearance. Abhay presented as an actress by this film.
Abhay Adaka in Marshal
Considered a thriller, the film is the first actor and actor of Abhay and Jai Raj Singh. This film analyzes the theme of the broadcast and shows Srikanth a powerful role, said a source for Tam, this role and this character in itself is one of the key features of this film. Filming has recently completed and post-production continues.
Srikanth is a key player in City T, who has played various roles during his career. He recently participated in Operation 2019, all policies. He is now ready to speak to the marshal.