Point Blank Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an next action thriller film directed by Joe Lynch, the film based on a screenplay by Adam G. Simon. This film is a new version of the film since 2010. The film stars Frank Grillo, Anthony Mackie, Marcia Gay Harden, Teyonah Parris, Boris McGiver and Markice Moore.
Mackie and Grillo met for the first time in 2014 in the movie “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”. Mackie plays the winged hero Falcon and Grillo in the role of the evil Crossbones. Harden recently appeared in the film series “Fifty Shades”.
Point Blank Movie Story Line
The photo shows a suspected murderer, a possible Paul (Anthony Mackie), an emergency nurse, and Abe (Frank Grillo), a murderer who collided with rival gangs and led a deadly flight that saved his wife and his life. Men not removed from Pablo. When his pregnant wife is abducted and kept safe, Paul’s career must be seriously injured on his own responsibility with suspected criminals and murderers working to save the lives of his wife and future child. He mortally attacked by rival armies and a group of deadly police officers, impossible for both men to find a way to survive.
The most important production starts on August 6, 2018 in Cincinnati. The building, including the Dixie Terminal lobby, introduced as train terminals during the chase. Harden recently changed Elli Shades Freed as the mother of Christian Gray. He also played in the recently canceled “Code Black” series from CBS. Harden is represented by ICM Partners, Framework Entertainment and Schreck Rose Dapello & Adams.
The film tells the story of Paul (Mackie), an emergency nurse, and Abe (Grillo), an alleged murder in which Paul saved his life in rival gangs and in a deadly race. Kid abducted. Cooke plays Grillo’s brother, who kidnapped Mackie’s wife and held her for ransom.
Point Blank Tamil Dubbed
“Blank point” refers to Paul, an emergency nurse, and Abe, a criminal who had to work together to save Paul’s pregnant wife after her abduction. The film is based in Cincinnati, followed by filmmaker Johanna Byer, vice-president of the American film Gaumont.
Marcia Gay Harden an Oscar winner, joined the cast of Netflix’s French thriller “Point Blank” with Frank Grillo and Anthony Mackie. Teyonah Parris, Boris McGiver and Markice Moore also participated in the cast.
Joe Lynch (Mayhem) directed Adam G. Simon (Man Down), Joe Carnahan and, together with the French giant Gaumont, produced the flag of the war festivals alongside Grillo. The film will be an action-packed copy of the 2010 detective story, Fred Pointaye Point Blank. Production expected to start this summer with a reasonable budget of around $ 12 million. He fatally attacked by rival armies and a deadly police group, impossible for both men to find a way to survive. An action packed action thriller with Anthony Mackie and Frank Grillo. This must published on July 12, 2019.