Raahu Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an new Telugu Thriller Crime film written and directed by Subbu Vedula. AVR Swamy was co-produced by Raja Deverakonda, Sri Shakthi Babji and Subbu Vedula. Raahu’s film features Chalaki Chanti, Kalikeya Prabhakar and others, with AbeRaam Varma and Kriti Garg.
Music director Praveen Lakkaraju composed songs and scores for this film. The photography director, Suresh Ragutu and Eshwar Yellumahanthi operate the cameras and correct them by Amar Reddy.
Youth trauma blinds the blindness of Bhanu, leaving the blood blind for a while. When a murderer caused more bloodshed than he thought, his fate struck him again. This time it will be Bhanu’s day in the dark.
Raahu Movie Story Line
The Raahu producers released the first poster of the exhibition on Wednesday. Actress Kriti Garg, who debuted with this film in Tollywood, first appeared on the lasso. He is famous for the Azad Parindey television series. After the avatar, people had the impression that Kriti could play a difficult role in his first film.
Kriti Garg, Prabhakar and many other artists were represented. Subbu Vedula keeps the direction and Praveen L gives the song. Omkar interested in advertising. The user can click on the given link to view the progress. Now there will be a video with a unique concept and taste success one day. I hope this film is also a success of Raahu.
The progress started at 11:00 AM. Nowadays the artists and the team share the same on their social networks. The progression of 54 seconds gives you an idea of the story without much explanation. The sounds are dark because of the influence of Raahu on the sun during the solar eclipse.
Chalaki Chanti and Kalikeya Prabhakar in Raahu
This linked to a transformation disorder defined as a mental state in which a person blind, paralyzed or has other (neurological) symptoms that cannot explained by medical evaluation.
The main character explains that when he sees blood, he shoots at him and immediately becomes blind. Teaser sees him in a stressful situation and shows how he dealt with the situation. ‘Raahu‘ sees the music of Praveen Lakkaraju and Suresh Ragutu, the cinematography of Eshwar Yellumahanthi.
The film, starring Chalaki Chanti, Giridhar, Satyam Rajesh and Swapnika, filmed by Subbu Vedula. Saahu known as the thrill of the new era and produced by AVR Swamy, Sri Sakti Babji, Raja Deverakonda and Subbu Vedula under the Creative Creation of Sri Shakty Swaroop alongside KICKASS Story Teller.