Super Duper TamilRockers is an Indian drama comedy thriller film written and directed by Arun Karthik from 2019. The film plays Dhruva, Indhuja Ravichandran and Shah Ra in the lead roles. This film was produced by Shalini Vasan under the flag of the production of Flux Films.
The music of the film composed by Divakara Thiyagarajan and the camera produced by both Thalapathy Rathnam and Sundar Ram Krishnan. The most important photography film started in August 2018 as a short program. The film released on September 20, 2019.
Super Duper Movie Story Line
Two small criminals eventually kidnapped the bad woman and ended up in a situation where they had to face the drug lord. Super Duper, in his title, which looks like comics, talks about his ambitions: he wants to become one of the films of the new era where pleasure is the driving force.
The latest announcement is that the censored Super Duper U / A starts on September 20. Indhuja Ravichandran also plays a role in Atlee’s Vijay Bigil sport starjer film. Recently, the release of Magamuni with Arya has received positive reviews from critics and viewers.
Dhruva and Indhuja met for the Super Duper, which came on screen on 20 September. “There a story, an action, a comedy, a love story and strong emotions, and the film used by all types of spectators,” Dhruva said in a statement. He said. “I play a deceptive Sathya, but I am not an intelligent person, and as part of the conquest he accidentally meets a hero.
Dhruva in Super Duper
Music director Divakara Thiyagarajan composed songs and scores for this film. Thalapathy Rathnam and Sundar Ram Krishnan took over the camera for this film and the editing done by Muganvel. The official launch of the film took place on July 15, 2019.
The film recorded by AK (also known as Arun Karthik), a short film popular with the Legaa audience for short film pilots. On the first day of our visit, the team created a scene in which one of the three characters visited the city. “This is the first time that Dhruva, Indhuja and Sha Ra have been together for this movie,” AK said. He said.