Taare Zameen Par Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a drama film directed in 2007 produced and directed by Aamir Khan. The film explores the life and imagination of Ishaan, an 8-year-old dyslexic. Despite his success in art, his mediocre academic performance led him to send him to boarding school. Ishaan’s new art teacher suspected he had dyslexia and helped him overcome his handicap.
Taare Zameen IMDb Rating : 8.4
Safar Darsheel plays Ishaan, 8, and Khan, his art teacher. The creative director and writer Amole Gupte first developed the idea with his wife Deepa Bhatia, editor. Shankar – Ehsaan – Loy has collected film scores and Prasoon Joshi has written the lyrics to many songs.
Taare Zameen Movie Story Line
A teenager on luxury flights discovers that his overactive imagination can serve a more important purpose after being sent to the guesthouse by his disappointed parents. Ishaan Awasthi, eight years old, spends much of her time imagining the world of animals and beautiful dragons, instead of doing her homework.
Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old boy who doesn’t like school because he thinks all problems are difficult and often underestimated and insulted by teachers and classmates. Imagination, creativity and artistic talent often ignored or ignored. His father, Nandkishore Awasthi, is an effective leader who expects the best performance from his children. Her mother, Maya Awasthi, a housewife who frustrated by her inability to teach Ishaan.
When Ishaan had problems at school and his family ended, it soon decided that it best for everyone to send the child to school and discipline him properly. When Ishaan arrived at his new school, he had the courage to discover that they had a lot in common when they got home. Still not suitable.
Taare Zameen Tamil Dubbed
He has been organizing art workshops for children for almost ten years. Today the sessions held at the Institute, which supported by the Maharashtra Dyslexia Society and other schools in Mumbai, such as the Montessori Besant School in Bandra, the Juhu School or the city of Mumbai Ashima.
A few minutes after our conversation, Gupte said, “Nothing is personal in life.” Of course, one of the most traditional films about the world of children, Taare Zameen Par.
The first feature by Aamir Khan Taare Zameen Par is also Bollywood’s attempt to use clay, animation or clay animation. Animated filmmaker Dhimant Vyas, who worked on the Taare Zameen Par series of titles, showed his imagination even when describing the character of Ishaan.