Up Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an animated 3D computer-animated American comedy drama buddy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and published by Walt Disney Pictures. The film focuses on an old widow named Carl Fredricksen (Ed Asner) and a real boy named Russell (Jordan Nagai).
Up IMDb Rating : 8.2
Carl tied thousands of balloons at home and prepared the nature of South America for the realization of his dream and the promise to his deceased wife Ellie. The film was recorded by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, who wrote the screenplay and musical story of Michael Giacchino with Tom McCarthy.
Up Movie Story Line
Bob Peterson, Pixar veteran, and his directors, Peterson and Monsters, Inc., are a passionate team of predatory forests. Protect yourself against a group of wild animals and malicious criminals in a computer-animated adventure written by. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. All his life Carl has traveled through the wilderness of South America.
In the 1930s, Carl Fredricksen, a shy boy of eight, worshiped the famous explorer Charles F. Muntz. When Muntz accused of building the skeletons of a huge exotic bird in Paradise Falls, he promised not to return before earning a living.
One day Carl befriends Ellie, a Muntz fan. He tells Carl that he wants to move his “clubhouse”, an empty house in his neighborhood, to a cliff overlooking the falls of Paradise Falls.
Of the oscillators, Ed Asner was no less impressive than Carl, 78, with whom he spoke cleverly. Var, I have a job and I thought, Tamam Okay, I will say: “When I thought this movie important, I raised my ego, but when I saw it I felt stupid, my ego shrunk in 90 minutes .
Up Tamil Dubbed
What I see in the film is one of the most exciting prizes for the love of my life. Joy, peace, hope and torture, precious dreams and indelible memories of your life wake up easily within a few minutes.
When the film shown at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood, California from May 29 to July 23, 2009, it replaced by Lighten Up! Receive! Guidance, a show with Disney characters. Other links children’s books such as My Name Dug.