Zombie TamilRockers is an upcoming comedy adventure film produced by Vasanth Mahalingam and V. Muthukumar under the flag of S3 Pictures. This film is written and directed by Bhuvan Nullan. the film starring Yogi Babu and Yashika Aannand plays lead role in this film, while Manobala, Gopi, Sudhakar and Anbu Dasan played an important role. Premgi Amaren composes the music of the film.
Summer comedy will be in a fun adventurous comedy and you will land in the next two days. This film documents the events of the night. Heroes or no heroes: the zombies play the main characters.
Zombie Movie Story Line
Director Bhuvan Nullan R said: “The story of the film the protagonist and antagonist and actors involved in the drama, Gopi and Sudhakar will be part of the leading role of TM Karthik, known on the big screen in films.” Slumdog Millionaire.
He also received a polite welcome between Nanban, Indru Netru Naalai, Dhillukku Dhuddu, Chekka Chivantha Vaanam and the public. The film ends in the first week of March 2019. The film looks like Miruthan from Jayam Ravi and Miruthan is a zombie thriller but it is a zombie comedy.
Premgi Amaren composed the music for this film. Sri Vishnu manages the camera and Dinesh has finished editing. Yogi Babu plays the role of the gift and Yashika Aannand is a medical student in this film. “The online sentiments of Gopi and Sudhakar, TM Karthik, Manobala and Anbu Dasan also play an important role.
Yogi Babu and Yashika in Zombie
The official trailer for the film released on June 7, 2019. The official trailer for the film released on August 21, 2019 by Lahari Music and T-Series. The film will shown in theaters on August 30. From 2019.
Vasanth Mahalingam and V Muthukumar financed the project with the slogan S3 Pictures. The zombie have the music of Premgi Amaren and are planning to complete their creative plans in a program. The caravan almost didn’t smile, but it made me a violent joke about rape for fear of Yogi Babu. The film also includes Bijili Ramesh and TM Karthik.