Antlers Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an new American supernatural horror film directed by Scott Cooper, based on the script by Antlers, C. Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca and Cooper.
This is based on the short story of Antosca ‘The Quiet Boy‘, published in Guernica with Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas, Graham Greene, Scott Haze, Rory Cochrane and Amy Madigan.
When an agreement is reached, Russell acts as a teacher interested in mysterious and withdrawn students. Too late, he discovered a secret of death that the key to the city’s survival.
Nick Antosca and Henry Chaisson wrote the scenario. Fox Searchlight looks at the images in Vancouver and gives Russell enough time to play Star Wars this summer.
Antlers Movie Story Line
Jesse Plemons wants to test again with Scott Cooper’s “hostile” pilot in his next film, Lers Antlers, ustu, a supernatural horror film made in Fox Searchlight. Guillermo del Toro created the project with David Goyer and Miles Dale, who produced “La forme de l’eau” by Oscar-Torque.
This film, written by Henry Chaisson and Nick Antosca with the criticism of Cooper, is based on The Quiet Boy of Antosca. It is also the first project of the first label contract with Guillermo del Toro, which collaborates with J. Miles Dale, David S. Goyer.
Kevin Turan is the executive producer. Project manager Matthew Greenfield and senior vice-president DanTram Nguyen Production and Cornelia Burleigh coordinator David Greenbaum lead the company.
In addition to “Hostiles”, the Plemons recently appeared in the Oscar-nominated comedy “Game Night” and “The Post”. He also played in Made American Made, Tom for Tom Cruise.
Antlers Tamil Dubbed
In Antlers, a teacher in a small town in Oregon (Keri Russell) and his brother (Jesse Plemons), a local sheriff, intertwined with a young student (Jeremy T. Thomas) who hides dangerous secrets with serious consequences.
A young teacher discovers that his student’s father worried and that his younger brother hiding a deadly magical secret. When the teacher looks at the child, he must fight to survive in horror beyond his imagination.
It seems to be one of the scariest films of next year, and it’s hard to understand why the cannibals terrorize the small town of Antlers in Oregon. The project was previously led by Scott Cooper, which includes “Hostiles” and “Black Mass”.