Appa 2 TamilRockers an independent Tamil social drama film written and co-produced by Samuthirakani with Samuthirakani and Sasikumar. This film is a continuation of the film in 2016 with Appa and Samuthirakani Thambi Ramaiah, supporting roles with Namo Narayanan, Vignesh and Nasath.
Samuthirakani plays a father who helps his son and his friends to cope with the pressure of the education system. In Saatai he was a teacher who changed the lives of many students in public schools. Samuthirakani interested in building On Dhevadhai, a social drama that tells stories about middle-class couples.
Appa 2 Story Line
Appa 2 Tamilrockres full movie review shows the sequel to the film announced on 18 June 2018 by director Samuthirakani on the official Twitter account of Father’s Day. Film and film production began at the end of June 2018. To Devathai and Naadodigal 2.
The music composed by Ilaiyaraaja, a previous composer. The production of the film began at the end of June 2018. He shared a photo titled “Velvom” with the main actors of the “Appa.” Dir Appa in the sequel to the 2012 film birçok Saattai değiştir, where many public school students play a teacher who changes their lives.
Samuthirakani in Appa 2
The film released June 18, 2018 by director Samuthirakani on the official Twitter account of Father’s Day. The recordings and production will start at the end of June 2018.
In 2016, director and actor Oddman directed his film “Papa” and played the main character. The film also includes Thambi Ramaiah, Namo Narayana, Gabriella Charlton and Vignesh and Samudrakani. This film was a success that showed the parents how they could have such young children.