Choricha Mamla Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an new 2020 Indian Marathi drama film Written and Directed by Priyadarshan Jadhav. The film starring Hemant Dhome, Balachandra Gaekwad, Kshitee Jog, Jitendra Joshi, Mugdha Karnik, Abhijit Kende and Amruta Khanvilkar in the lead roles. Music composed by Chinar-Mahesh and Editor by Deepak Pawar.
This Choricha Mamla is your classic stupid comedy. The film has a funny setting in which four characters are trapped in a house and hide things because of the circumstances.
Choricha Mamla Movie Story Line
Nandan called her house to make a living, but she never took more than she needed. One day, the owner of the house, Amarjit, came in while working with Shraddha, who was in a relationship with him. Amarjit calls the police when his wife calls. Desperately, Nandan asked him to deal with Shraddha so that his wife wouldn’t on his guard. The more people there are, the more difficult it is to track cheaters and lead to comic mistakes.
There was a time in the Marathi cinema where you could show two or three artists famous for their comics, fill the script with intelligent expressions and voila! You have a good comedy. Although actor and director Priyadarshan Jadhav is now trying to represent the formula with the multiple heroes of Choricha Mamla. When Amarjit’s wife left early and knocked on the door, desperate Amarjit Nandan dragged into the situation and asked Shraddha to act as her husband to avoid any doubts.
All logic comes out the window for the first 20 minutes. Nandan had many options for escape when she in prison at home, but she decided to stay for stupid reasons. Nandan also has strange habits that used wisely to make people laugh, but you should think the director has gone too far in this regard.
Choricha Mamla Tamil Dubbed
In keeping with the scandalous comedy of the movie Priyadarshan Jadhav, two songs composed by Chinar-Mahesh on the same page in this album. It is the most popular of Kaadhaal Kay’s two albums full of party rhythms. Sun Gby Shalmali Kholgade, this song tells about the wish of the singer and actress to finance her album to a rich man. This song is not new, but Jitendra Joshi‘s songs give the song a unique touch that makes it easy to remember.
Even the performance of all artists is theater, because the background of the film is so dramatic. This movie requires a lot of physical comedy and there is no artist Jitendra Joshi cannot. He tries to fascinate some scenes with comedy.