Dhruva Natchathiram TamilRockers upcoming Tamil thriller written and directed by Gautham Menon. Star Vikram, Ritu Varma and Aishwarya Rajesh. The film includes Harris Jayaraj and Jomon T. John, Santhana Krishnan Ravichandran and Manoj Paramahamsa.
Simran, Radikaa, Dhivah Dharshini, Sathish, Parthiepan and Vamsi formed supporting actors for the film. This has been replaced by the photo director DN. It previously announced that Jomon T John would stand behind the camera, but Santhana Krishnan (23), the son of cameraman Ravi K Chandran, followed him.
Dhruva Natchathiram Story Line
Actresses Simran and Radikaa are ready to join Chiyaan Vikram’s Dhruva Natchathiram. He is currently retiring to Bulgaria. In addition to Bulgaria, Gautham director is planning a series of actions for twenty-three days in three countries (Abu Dhabi, Turkey and Slovenia). He brought an international choreographer into acrobatics. He also noted that the series of actions consisted of different combinations of teams of 12 members.
Dhruva Natchathiram Tamilrockres full movie review shows Teaser reveals that John (Vikram) is a CIA agent led by K. Antagonis, known as Darkman, who helped him keep him in captivity so he could return to Delhi. As always, Vikram looks good with a view to salt and pepper. Grapevine also suggested that Mollywood’s actor Prithviraj play the antagonist in the film. Moreover, Anu Emmanuel will be one of the heroes who will join Vikram in the coming conflict between spies.
Vikram in Dhruva Natchathiram
The action and espionage character is ready to dominate the big screen south of this season. Dhruva Natchathiram by Chiyaan Vikram is one of the most anticipated espionage thrillers. Some photos from the photo session have shown that they have been introduced on the internet, which has contributed to the growing expectations of the public.
In the film, the player Vikram becomes a secret agent and associated with Ritu Varma and Aishwarya Rajesh. This project, originally planned with Suriya a few years ago, marks the first collaboration between Vikram and Gautham Menon. Thanks to the extremely stylish espionage avatar and stolen goods from Vikram, the trailer of this film has raised great expectations of the public. Composer Harris Jayaraj composed the music for the film.