Dil Bechara Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an Indian Hindi romantic comedy film directed by Mukesh Chhabra and produced by Fox Star Studios. This is based on the novel by author John Green from 2012, the error in our stars has also been adjusted as the error in our stars in the film (2014). The film stars Sushant Singh Rajput and lead actor Sanjana Sanghi in the lead roles with the music of AR Rahman also included.
The main director of production, Chhabra, will published as a director in this film. The first poster of the film appeared on July 9, 2018, behind two cables in a bus with an oxygen hose. Singh shared the poster with his Twitter ID.
Dil Bechara Movie Story Line
This film presents the first film by director Mukesh Chhabra and the main characters Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi. The actors and the film crew come on Twitter to share the first poster of the film, where Sanghi can see the backs of both actors while he presses Rajput on the shoulder. Also on the banner: the oxygen boat next to Sanghi and the Rajinikanth mask on the head of Rajput.
The young actor told about his recent experiences with Varun and of course congratulated him. Sara said her dream was to work with Varun. He showed that he was really crazy about the set. He also surprised by Varun’s energy on the set and said he still inspired by it.
The soundtrack composed by professor A.R. Rahman in the words of Amitabh Bhattacharya. The music rights for this film purchased from Sony Music India.
Sushant Singh Rajput in Dil Bechara
The 2014 film praised worldwide for its commercial and critical success in describing this insightful and unique love story between two main characters: Hazel and Gus. The film tells the story of a young cancer patient who later met a child in a support group and fell in love with it.
The reconstruction of the first Hindu poster, “The Fault in our Stars,” announced that Jharkhand had begun filming in Jamshedpur. The film contains Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi. Although the poster resembles the first common appearance, the second direction reveals something strange. Sushant, the girl and the boy from Sanjana wore a Rajinikanth mask when they were on a useless bus.