“The Good Night” is a 2023 Indian Tamil romantic comedy film written and directed by Vinayak Chandrasekaran. The film stars K. Ramesh Tilak, Raichal Rebecca, Balaji Sakthivel and Bhagwati Perumal in supporting roles, along with Manikundan and Meetha Raghunas.The Good Night is a 2023 Indian film directed by Vinayak Chadrasekaran and starring Manikandan, Ramesh Tilak, Mita Raghunath and Balaji Sakthivel.
Mohan, a snoring computer scientist, hides his troubles as he begins life with the woman of his dreams, Anu. But the problems started when your snoring started affecting your life and your partner’s health.
Good Night Movie Story Line
Whether it’s a simple depiction of people’s everyday lives, brilliant one-on-one dialogue from actors Manikandan and Ramesh Tilak, or plots brimming with everyday humor, the stories are packed with details to keep you hooked. don’t bring it up.
The relationship between Ramesh Tilak and Manikundan was portrayed effectively and the scenes between the two were really good. The film also benefits from the director’s decision to cast Misha as Manikandan’s lover. Some people may find it difficult to project this simple look onto their screen. Mischa did a great job.
A naive neighbor whose snoring is the biggest problem in his life. He falls in love with a girl and explains how the couple overcame their sleep problems by living together.
Good Night Movie
On the other hand, we also see Anna (Misha Ragunas), an orphan who works at an accounting firm. Mohan and Anu meet unexpectedly and the two slowly fall in love.
Without a doubt, Manikandan is a unique place. This pastry always puts a smile on your face. He played the role of Mohan, a young IT professional whom Mohan’s colleagues nicknamed “The Machine” because of his unbearable snoring.
Without a doubt, Manikandan is a unique place. This pastry always puts a smile on your face. He played the role of Mohan, a young IT professional whom Mohan’s colleagues nicknamed “Machine” because of his unbearable snoring.
For some strange reason people think Anu wasn’t lucky enough to needlessly kill a child which sends the wrong signal to these people.