Green Book Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an American biographical comedy-drama film directed by Peter Farrelly from 2018. The film, shot in 1962, is inspired by the true story of the Deep South tour, with classical and jazz-African-American pianist Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) and the American gorilla Frank “Tony Lip” Vallelonga (Viggo Mortensen) and the bodyguard of Shirley.
Green Book IMDb Rating : 8.2
The film written by Farrelly, Brian Hayes Currie and Vallelonga’s son, Nick Vallelonga, based on interviews with his father and Shirley, as well as letters from his father to his mother.
Green Book Movie Story Line
When Tony Lip (Mortensen), Italian-American Bronx security officer, appointed, Dr. To lead Don Shirley (Ali), a first-class black pianist, they had to rely on the Yeşil Green Book Manhattan to lead Manhattan to the deep south during a concert tour where he safe from African-Americans.
The green paper tells the true story of the Italian-American guard of the seventh grade, Tony Tony (Mortensen), hired in 1962 to help him. Visit a concert in New York during Civil Rights Deep South to accompany Don Shirley (Ali), one of the best jazz pianists in the world.
They finally started the tour in the Midwest before heading south. Tony and Don initially clash; because Don tired of Tony’s habits and hates being more elegant than Tony. During the tour, Tony impressed by Don’s talent at the piano and even more shocked by the discriminatory treatment he received from the owner and the audience when he not on stage.
Green Book Tamil Dubbed
The “Green Book” an ingenious title for a street film: a true story of an impossible friendship between a black concert pianist and a New York guard recruited to lead the enemy territory.
Farrelly wrote the scenario together with Jim Burke, Nick Vallelonga and Brian Currie. Fox’s musical Glee also appeared as Prince Figgins, known as Theba, The Brink, Transformers: The Dark of the Moon and HBO’s Keeps.
The green paper published in a limited number of 20 American cities on November 16, 2018 and extended on November 21, 2018. The film scheduled for November 21. The studio spent approximately $ 37.5 million on printing and advertising for this film.