Jhalki Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is the next Hindi drama film to be released on September 27, 2019. The film is directed by Brahmanand S. Singh and presents Boman Irani, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Divya Dutta and Yatin Karyekar as the main characters. Other popular players associated with Jhalki are Govind Namdeo, Sanjay Suri, Akhilendra Mishra and Arti Jha.
“We have a powerful environment called Cinema, and if you can make good movies, nothing like that, I’m glad I have a cast that makes the movie more fun and easier,” said director Brahmanand S Siingh He said.
Jhalki Movie Story Line
The missing people changed the life of his 7-year-old brother and Jhalki started looking for him. Is Jhalki’s journey with genuine folklore and enthusiastic spirits the beginning of a spiral that will forever change the lives of thousands of people? How much do you have to pay to get what you want?
Inspired by the real events in the context of human trafficking and child labor, Jhalki seen as an unusual hope, courage, confidence, and determination in the eyes of a nine-year-old girl, and will stop everywhere. at the top the victory.
In the first article, a child from a family with debts named Babu sold to a tapestry in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. Babu’s sister, 9-year-old Jhalki, insisted on accompanying Babu, but left him. The daring attempt of Jhalki to find his brother is central to this story.
The film shot in Mirzapur, east of Uttar Pradesh; where the carpet industry often accused of using child labor through a long-standing corruption network.
Boman Irani in Jhalki
The next trailer for the Iranian film Jhalki Boman will released. Directed by Brahman S. Siingh and Tanvi Jain, the film explores the problem of human labor and human trafficking.
The social drama also includes Tannishtha Chatterjee, Divya Dutta, Sanjay Suri and the child actor Arti Jha (Jhalki play). This story written by producer Prakash Jha. The film presented on 27 September.