K.D. TamilRockers is an Indian Tamil drama film written and directed by Madhuita and produced by Yoodlee Films, a production company of Saregama India Limited. The film contains Nagavishal, Mu Ramaswamy and Yog Japee in leading roles in this film. This film composed the music of Karthikeya Murthy.
In 2019 Nagavishal won the Best Actor Award at the Jagran Film Festival. Madhumita was named best director at the British Asian Film Festival 2019. The premiere of KD will take place on November 22, 2019 in theaters.
K.D. Movie Story Line
This story tells the story of 80-year-old Karuppu Durai, who discovers that his family is planning a Thalaikoothal ceremony (a form of condolences in southern Tamil Nadu). He met an eight-year-old boy, grew up in a temple and showed the difference between life and life.
The film shown earlier this month at the X Jagran Film Festival, in which eight-year-old Nagavishal won the Best Actor Award. Madhumita Sundararaman has named best director at the Cincinnati Indian Film Festival.
Karuppu Durai, an 80-year-old man in a coma for three months, suddenly woke up with a good day to hear his parents’ plan to kill him and perform an old euthanasia ritual. Injured, his heart shattered and terrified, Karuppu Durai fled the only house he knew. On a road without a destination without a destination, he accidentally meets a 10-year-old Kutty orphan.
Nagavishal and Mu Ramaswamy in K.D.
Director Madhumita Sundaram said at the festival: “It great to see what kind of film chosen by the Jagran jury, the eight-year-old boy, the best actor among the great actors such as Ranveer Singh, Ayushman Khurana and Vicky Kaushal. special moment in the life of Nagavishal because KD his first film and a blessing awarded by the respected actor Manoj Bajpayee.
D.K. works between the lifting line and the rejection line. Ramaswamy inspired the character with a hint of crime and occasional internal observation, trying to understand what had happened forever. Fortunately, a co-author of Kutty was on the wish list of the young Nagavishal who spoiled a nice interior life.