Kadaikutty Singam TamilRockers is an Indian Tamil drama action film 2018, written and directed by Pandiraj and produced by Suriya for the 2D Entertainment Studio. The film plays Karthi and Sayyeshaa in the leading roles. supporting role such as Sathyaraj, Priya Bhavani Shankar and Arthana Binu. The film also appeared in Telugu as Chinna Babu, with music from the film by D. Imman and Cinematography work done by Velraj. The film released on July 13, 2018.
Sathyaraj is an experienced actor and plays Kartu’s father, Kadai Kutty Singam, under the leadership of Pandanga, the fame of Pasanga. “Sathyaraj reluctant to play the film for 60 years, but after the story he impressed and ready to go on board.” He said.
Kadaikutty Singam Movie Story Line
It was the first time that Karthi worked with Pandiraj. Soori, Sriman and Bhanupriya play an important role, Sayyeshaa a windy and romantic drama of the village and considered a heroine of women. The film also marketed by the actors of Karthi and Soori in the television series Bigg Boss Tamil 2.
In Europe, the actress Sayyeshaa who worked for Junga with actress Vijay Sethupathy seems to be signing a contract. Actress Vanamagan makes a self-titled film with Karthi, directed by the award-winning national director Pandiraj.
The film with two other heroes on the side recorded by Pandiraj. Arthana, who no longer allowed to speak about her character, said: “I started a new photo shoot in Thenkasi.” The soundtrack composed by D. Imman and broadcast on Sony Music India. All letters written by Yugabharathi.
Karthi in Kadaikutty Singam
Filming began on November 9, 2017 in Chennai. The players and the team came together for the opening ceremony. At the beginning of January 2018 the team started shooting at the Thenkasi in Puliangudi.
The film also includes Priya Bhavani Shankar and Ardhana, two other heroes. The filming was completed last month and the team is busy with post-production. Film makers hope to release the film in July. Kadai Kutty Singam will also start as Chinna Babu in Telugu.