Kalidasa Kannada Meshtru Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is the next Indian Kannada comedy drama film, Directed by Kaviraj. The film includes Usha Bhandary, Meghana Gaonkar, Jaggesh and Tabla Nani in the lead roles. This film was Produced by Uday Film.
This satirical film shows the dilemmas that exist in the daily lives of small families, such as the struggle of parents, children divided between school classes and school fees, the pressure to be the best in class and the conflicts between children’s dreams and ambitions parents. The reality and beliefs of Kannada High School and British High School, as well as community, family loyalty and expectations.
Kalidasa Kannada Meshtru Movie Story Line
After a romantic comedy, director Kaviraj returns with an educational story in “Kalidasa Kannada Meshtru” about the plight of the current education system, which has become a profitable venture of private institutions, state institutions, schools and much more. The most important thing is unnecessary pressure on innocent children.
This story is about Kalidasa (Jaggesh), a Kannada high school teacher. The manual shows that the number of pupils is decreasing by the day and that parents register their children at English high school.
When Kalidasa tried to convince him, they enrolled his son at Kananda High School and asked him if he could set a good example. But Kalidasa’s wife, Suma (Meghana Gaonkar), wants her son to study at the best English-language high school in the city.
After a romantic comedy, director Kaviraj returns with an educational story in “Kalidasa Kannada Meshtru” about the plight of the current education system, which has become a profitable venture of private institutions, state institutions, schools and much more. The most important thing is unnecessary pressure on innocent children.
Kalidasa Kannada Meshtru Tamil Dubbed
Launching Jaggesh as Kalidasa is a wise move. This actor is known for his unique comedy acts and has done great without spoiling his comic action. The character makes the actor Jaggesh, a pro-kannada who talks about the problem. Music director Gurukiran has to stop with the normal composition formula that works to a certain extent.
In a drama that touched the heart, the director wrote an intelligent scenario with the education system. In fact, the state of public schools another problem that cleverly addressed in this infotainment system.