Kazhugu 2 TamilRockers the next Tamil comedy written and directed by Sathyasiva with, Krishna Sekhar and Bindu Madhavi. This is the successful continuation of 2012, Kazhugu. Produced by Singaravelan under the title Madhukkoor film. The film contains music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, who plays a hit for the first episode. King Battacharjee will lead the camera while Gopi Krishna takes over.
King Battacharjee produced by Tiruppur PA Ganesh under the name GK Studios and interested in the camera while Gopikrishna engaged in fiction. In 2018, Thirupur, P.A. He explained that he would make a film directed by Sathyasiva, starring Krishna’s protagonist, Krishna. The photo shoot of Kazhugu 2 starts on July 3. Director of Sathya Siva, Kazhugu 2 has the U certificate.
Kazhugu 2 Story Line
All songs from the film composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, who had previously composed Sathyasiva for earlier efforts by Kazhugu. Yashika Aannand interpreted the role of a dancer in a song called Sakalakala Valli, and 300 dancers left her. The first single from Kazhugu 2 about the songs from Yashika released on January 12, 2019.
Bigg Boss actress Yashika Anand known for playing the female lead in various films. Interestingly, the young star decided to play a song in Kazhugu 2. The song Sakalakala Valli was recently recorded with Yashika to show 300 dancers. Launched in 2012, Kazhugu was praised for his leadership. Follow the love story of a man who lives after finding the bodies of suicide victims.
Kazhugu 2 Tamilrockres full movie review shows At the start of 2018, there are a number of suites that start with Vishwaroopam 2, Maari 2, Sandakozhi 2, Saami Square and 2.0. Apparently this trend continues with Nadodigal 2 with Sasikumar, Kalavani 2 with Vimal and Kazhugu 2 Krishna. According to reports, the two Kamal Haasan Indians will soon disembark.
Gopikrishna and King Battacharjee replaced by the photo director of Sathya, editor of Praveen KL. The actor Venkat Times is an addition to the cast of the sequel.