Kolanji TamilRockers new Indo-Tamil comedy written and directed by Saravanan Dhanaram in 2019. Produced by Naveen. and playing Samuthirakani, Sanghavi, Rajaji and Naina Sarwar. While ‘Pichaikkaran’ Moorthy, Kribakaran, Nasath, ‘Nadodigal’ Gopal and Rekha Suresh are plays supporting roles.
The first director Naveen, released in Moodar Koodam (2013) in February 2015, collaborated with the second film producer Nehru Nagar Nandhu, Kolanji, who had previously produced the star of Vidharth, Kaadu (2014). The players played the role of Samuthirakani, Sanghavi, Rajaji and Naina Sarwar. Production started in mid-2015.
Kolanji Story Line
After Samuthirakani impressed by the previous film Naveen and has agreed to work on the film, Sanghavi play back after a decade of towers. When production ended in August 2015, Naveen said he was a director and his assistant, Dhanaram Saravanan, was the director and co-author of the project.
After almost ten years of bursting, Sanghavi, the famous actor of Coimbatore Mapillai, took over the production of director Naveen. Sanghavi popular in the 90s and associated with the most important actors of his time. She is now filming a movie called Kolanji, the lead actor of Rajaj and Samuthirakani. The scores and film music were compiled with the cinematographic works of Natarajan Sankaran and Cinematography. This album released on February 9, 2017.
Samuthirakani in Kolanji
Naveen, ‘Sanghavi, came back with Samuthirakani after a long break. The film plays an important role in the film, with Rajaj playing a leading role in both Moodar Koodam films. This film the background of the village and so has the beauty of the landscape with a beautiful love story.
“Kolanji, about the name of a 13-year-old boy and the events surrounding him, does not mean that it is a children’s movie, about the love between Kolanji, his family and his family. see it in another way in the film. “