Maara is a new Tamil Indian romantic drama film directed by newcomer Dhilip Kumar Maara TamilRockers movie produced by Prateek Chakravorty and Shruti Nallappa from Pramod Films. Remake of Malayalam Charlie (2015) by Martin Prakkat. The film starring Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath in the lead roles.
Pramod Films is financing the Tamil remake with Shraddha Srinath, Sshivada Nair and Mouli. Sources say that Shraddha played Parvathy and Mouli rehearsed the role of Nedumudi Venu.
Maara Movie Story Line
The last we hear is that actor Madhavan will be rehearsing the role of Dulquer Salmaan in the Tamil remake of Charlie. An official statement on the topic is expected.
The director of the Malayalam version of Charlie, Martin Prakkat, may be wearing the director’s hat for this Tamil remake, but nothing has been confirmed so far.
We all know that Madhavan will reprise the role of Dulquer Salmaan in the Tamil remake of the Malayalam movie Charlie. Madhavan is now preparing to make a short film in Tamil with director Sarkunam, known for her nationally awarded film Vaagai Sooda Vaa.
Vikram Vedha‘s sweet couple Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath reunite for a romantic adventure drama called Maara TamilRockers. This film considered a fast-paced romance and directed by the independent film Dhilip von Kalki.
After all this time, Madhavan stars in an all-out romantic drama. Tanu Weds made the Manu movie in Hindi, but in this movie he had to passive. He will be a very attractive character, ‘Dhilip began, adding that repeating Vikram Vedha’s pair Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath was not a deliberate decision. In fact, we wonder if we should get the same pair. But her romantic path is only part of the movie.
Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath in Maara
The film takes place in a city and then travels to a seaside town. Dhilip worked as an assistant to the famous commercial film producer Prakash Varma. Deepak Bhagwan is behind the camera playing Ghibran music. Art director Ajayan Challisery, known for the Mollywood set, will be in charge, and Dhilip said the artwork played an important role in Maara.
On the social media pages for advice for young actors. Whether Alex will star in movie or write song / comedy dialogue for the movie has not yet been confirmed. Alex recently spent a few days in Kochi with Madhavan and director Dhilip.
Casting completed a week of practice before filming began and production began in Pondicherry on June 18, 2018. The film subsequently delayed and Madhavan produced the first production company, Rocketry: Nambi Effect (2020). In October 2019, production resumed in Kochi with child actor Minon and comedian Alexander Babu.