Aswathama Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an next Indian action thriller named Telugu since 2020, was directed by Ramana Teja at the beginning of the director. The film starring Naga Shaurya, Jisshu Sengupta, Mehreen Pirzada, Harish Uthaman, Sargun Kaur Luthra and Prince Cecil in the lead roles. Music composed by Sricharan Pakala and Ghibran.
Shaurya writes the story, the Teja script. While Anbariv choreographed the action scene, Manojh Reddy took over the camera and edited the film Garry BH. Sricharan Pakala composed music for films, Ghibran gave background scores. The story of how the man who did this to his sister and many other girls was chased away.
Aswathama Movie Story Line
Ghana (Naga Shaurya) returns to India for her sister’s engagement. While the show scheduled to take place, her sister attempted suicide. Ghana saves her and is surprised when she learns that she is pregnant and that her son’s father is unknown. Desperate, Naga Shaurya begins to investigate the case and eventually arrests the attacker. How it goes is the rest of the story.
Aswathama addressed the issue of hot rape, a confusing and horrible thing whose victims didn’t know what it was like. Some kidnapped and returned home as if nothing had happened, and some killed to clear the instructions. Now, with solid content, people expect a strong emotional connection between the best players, but let’s go.
Numbers are not necessary for movies dealing with this type of topic. Only the titles of the songs that appear in the background are good. Ghibran’s background music is very impressive, but he borrowed many songs from the classic Alfred Hitchcock. Manojh Reddy’s cinematography is not important. The dialogues written by Parasuram Sreenivas are good, and Mahabharat and Ramayana have good evidence of the characterization of the hero in the film.
Aswathama Tamil Dubbed
Recently, Naga Shaurya gained official social control and shared her permeable views from the gym. To everyone’s surprise, the Chalo star couldn’t show or miss his sculpted corpse in the photo and belly. The last pose shows that handsome men undergo a surprising body transformation by constantly going to the gym and exercising intensively.
Aswathama has kept his word: a fascinating story and lots of action. Ramana Teja got off to a good start by sticking to the topic without making too many mistakes. If you’re a fan of hardcore thrillers, you may still be disappointed with some of the songs because you’re not as involved as you should be, but this movie is still a good weekend show.
Filming ended in the last quarter of 2019. The music composed by Sricharan Pakala and published on the label Aditya Music. The pioneer of Naga Shaurya’s all-new action thriller, Aswathama, quite disturbing, especially given the terrible similarities to the real event that rocked Hyderabad a few months ago.