Hit Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is the next Telugu thriller movie, Written and directed by newcomer Sailesh Kolanu. The film will be released on February 28, 2020. The film starring Vishwak Sen, Ruhani Sharma, Chaitanya Sagiraju, Brahmaji, Hari Teja and Murli Sharma in the lead roles. Music composed by Vivek Sagar and Edited by Garry Bh.
The last performance of Vishwak Sen and Huhan Spiritual Sharma, which started with good expectations, went very well at the box office. While critics continue to talk excitingly about the changing tension, viewers slowly come to the film because of the loud talk. With AndhraBoxOffice statistics, HIT has achieved profitable scores in Telugu and the United States.
Hit Movie Story Line
The first fans with their first director Sailesh Kolanu, Telugu, Vishwak Sen and Spiritual Sharma were released on January 1. Actor Nani and stylist Wallposter Cinema Prashanti Tipirneni’s film is a revenge film with a short video. These video reflective reflections create a sandy atmosphere with the cinematography of S Mani Kandan and the music of Vivek Sagar.
Vikram (Vishwak Sen) a murder intervention team (HIT) agent and suffers from a post-traumatic stress disorder. They charged him with a missing Preethi teenager. Vikram Neha’s girlfriend (Spiritual Sharma) is also missing. Vikram took these two cases, but stopped. The next story is whether you can solve both situations.
Combined with the flawless performance of actor Falaknuma Das, director Sailesh Kolanu’s breathtaking story, V Manikandan’s stunning cinematography and Vivek Sagar’s thrilling background music, HIT has become a well-constructed thriller. However, since this film sold at a low price, this shouldn’t a big deal to distributors landing in the safety zone.
It should mentioned that the film has ended. The plot disappears from the beginning of the movie and is not very convincing. Sailesh, however, made a stretch film with a tight and good background. Sailesh keeps the bad guys’ thrills to the max. Vishwak Sen is very attractive and made humor for this film.
Hit Tamil Dubbed
A ceremonial film (pooja) made on October 24, 2019 and production has started. Nani makes films under the Wall Poster Cinema poster. This movie produced after Awe. Movie actors include Vishwak Sen and Spiritual Sharma, while Vivek Sagar plays music.
Music and cinematography are very important to this genre, and both are first class: the background score of Vivek Sagar and the images of Manikandan. Avinash Kolla’s work must specified as an atmosphere and structured to look natural. Most dialogues in technical languages. Director Sailesh Kolanu offers an exciting thriller that deviates from the shape of a dance action song and tries something different.
While HIT music composed by Vivek Sagar, S Manikandan took over the camera and worked as an editor for Garry BH, known from thrillers like Kshanam and Goodachari. Bintang Alam Nani and popular fashion designer Prasanthi Tipirneni funded the film with filmmakers Wall Poster Cinema. Garry BH will direct the camera from S Manikan during the edition of “Hit”. More details about the film will released pending the detective story.