Motichoor Chaknachoor Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is the next Indian Hindi comedy drama film directed by Debamitra Biswal from 2019 and produced by Rajiv and Kiran Bhatia. After the story of Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Athiya Shetty who play the lead and try to find the wife of a 36-year-old man.
The film also includes Vibha Chibber, Navni Parihar, Vivek Mishra, Karuna Pandey, Sanjeev’s Container, Abhishek Rawat, Sapna Sand and Usha Nagar.
Debamitra filed an arbitration case with the Supreme Court of Mumbai, which ordered the delay of filming his caravan because it paid no costs to the filmmaker Woodpecker Movies Private Limited. so stay stable. The premiere of the film will take place on November 15, 2019.
Motichoor Chaknachoor Movie Story Line
Nawazuddin Siddiqui has sometimes demonstrated his acting skills in cross-border roles. Later the actress will be seen in a completely different genre and play an important role in the romantic comedy “Motichoor Chaknachoor“. Athiya Shetty shares the screen with Nawazuddin in debutante Debamitra Hassan. The maker has released a humorous trailer.
A few days ago, the Bombay Supreme Court ordered the release of the Motichoor Chaknachoor caravan. The trailer will launched on October 10. This is due to an arbitration filed by Debamitra Biswal, screenwriter and director Motichoor Chaknachoor, the producer Woodpecker Movies Private Limited could not pay the costs. However, only the publication, the progress of which published today, October 11, immediately canceled.
The wedding comedy fully recorded in Bhopal and received the title that mhofor drawer box served at the wedding. When it is not possible to make a real start with “Hero” in 2015 and be dark with “Mubarak” at the counter, it will be the third Athiya Shetty film. Both players intensively trained in speech and accent.
Motichoor Chaknachoor Tamil Dubbed
The maker Motichoor Chaknachoor broke his first breakthrough in the film with Athiya Shetty and Nawazuddin Siddiqui and will certainly tickle his bones. Directed by Debmitra Biswal, the film tells the happy journey of two people who are desperately looking for a life partner.
The music of the film composed of Bharat – Hitarth, Ramji Gulati, Arjuna Harjai, Amjad Nadeem Aamir and Siddhart Amit Bhavsar, while the lyrics written by Kumaar, Siddhart Amit Bhavsar and Bharat Menaria.
The official trailer for the film released on October 11, 2019 by Viacom18 Studios. trailer became viral immediately after it posted on YouTube. People really liked the trailer.