Odavum Mudiyathu Oliyavum Mudiyathu TamilRockers is an next Tamil comedy horror film written and directed Ramesh Venkat in his directorial debut. The cast of the film includes members of Tamil popular YouTube channels such as Eruma Saani and Madras Central; With Yashika Aannand, Riythvika, Vijay Kumar, Harya, Sathyamurthi, Gopi and Sudhakar. The film produced by Sathyamurthi.
The soundtrack made by Kaushik Krish. The title comes from the slogan of the first season of Bigg Boss Tamil. Ramesh Venkat known for launching the YouTube channel Eruma Saani and ready to dive into Kollywood. In the Tamil cinema, started as a director with Odavum Mudiyathu Oliyavum Mudiyathu (OMOM). Ramesh was happy to work on this film.
Odavum Mudiyathu Oliyavum Mudiyathu Movie Story Line
“This film brings together popular actors from different YouTube channels: Vijay & Harija from Eruma Saani, Gopi and Sudhakar from Madras Central, Vignesh from Smile Settai and Sha Ra and Augustine Thappu Thanda from Temple Monkeys V Sathyamurthi. Important role in the film. OMOM, on the Chennai 600028 Venkat Prahu line where every player is a hero. ”
This film will be a horror comedy and we plan to shoot after Christmas. Thanks to our work at Eruma Saani, the public will regret waiting for a cynical touch on our part. The soundtrack of this film is Meesaya Murukku and Kaushik Krish who work at Thani Oruvan. Thoufiq and I responsible when the camera taken by Joshua J Perez. The poster of the film, which published a few days ago, made by Pravin Kumar, a 12 year student at PSB.
Although Ramesh has no experience with making feature films, the young man is a confident man. “I think some executives who have started working in this industry have opened the door for new directors like us.” Karthik Subbaraj shot his first feature film after making a short film. Karthick Naren had no experience in films before Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru.
Yashika Aannand and Riythvika in Odavum Mudiyathu Oliyavum Mudiyathu
Sathyamoorthy said: yan Besides coffee, they said there could many more, and this happened at OMOM, starting with a carefree conversation with a group of friends, he said. proved that this would be the starting point of the project. I think my team would be 21 years old. Deliver the product perfectly. “The film will shown in December and in the summer of 2018,” he added.
Frequent followers of the Tamil YouTube channel find a certain Eruma Saani, who receives an average of two million views per video, despite 12 videos. Directed and collaborated with all videos, the team, directed by Ramesh Venkat, is currently preparing its first feature film, Odavum Mudiyathu Oliyavum Mudiyathu.