Paadam TamilRockers is a 2018 Indian Tamil drama film written and directed by Rajasekhar on his directorial debut. The film starring Karthik, Mona, Jangiri Madhumita, Vijith, and Yashika Aannand in the lead roles. This film Produced by Gilpin P.S, with Music composed by Ganesh Raghavendra, and Edited by S.S Mano.
A schoolboy named Jeeva (Karthik), the son of police officer Kottai Perumal (VRNagendran), questioned disability and disability in the Indian education system and was disappointed to learn English lessons instead of studying in Tamil. On the other hand, Jeeva’s father was very reluctant and afraid to speak English like his son.
Paadam Movie Story Line
Language is the main concept of cinema. Many students have poor English and feel inferior because they lack language skills. At the same time, this film combines various concepts related to the education system to get the final message across. Watch movies on the big screen to discover the whole concept. The first stars played well. Songs and background music are not on purpose.
If Jeeva hears a single word in English, she will disappoint her. One day, Jeeva’s father, Kottai Perumal, was taken to Chennai after his erratic behavior with a senior police officer who did not speak Tamil. At the same time, her son Jeeva was happy to believe she could avoid learning English by leaving the city of Chennai.
Jeeva, the son of a police officer, questions the inadequacy and disability of the Indian education system and frustrated at taking English instead of Tamil classes. This is a dramatic film by Rajashekhar.
Paadam’s team has experimented with similar genres as Samuthirakani and Saattai. However, there must be solid scenarios and parameters for making movies like Saattai. If Rajashekar focuses more on the script and the script, this movie can be enjoyed. Yaashika Aanand played an important role in Paadam. Ganesh Raghavendra is a music composer.
Yashika Aannand in Paadam
Director Rajasekhar said of the film, “Dersim is about a major social problem that has led to results recently. The film is about corruption in the British media and the language used by students studying in the United States. Tamil media Most of us say that English is just a language and a way of life, and we don’t understand why there is a war between a student and his teacher in the middle.
The story tells how students challenged and win battles. It will be a refreshing and safe film. This film ignores our inadequate educational system, the mentality of parents, and the social pressure on students. I hope that all students, parents, and teachers can combine their stories with these stories.