Operation Gold Fish TamilRockers is the next Telugu action thriller film, written and directed by Sai Kiran Adivi and produced by Vinayakudu Talkies. This story is inspired by real events. Operation Gold Fish movie starring Aadi, Nithya Naresh, Sasha Chhetri and Parvateesam. The Telugu writer Abburi Ravi appears as an antagonist.
Teaser confirmed that the film would be a patriotic film. In that sense, the famous musical leader of MM. Keeravani sang a patriotic song in this film. “This song goes to the main stage and drives emotions to the next level.
Operation Gold Fish Movie Story Line
Operation Gold Fish will contain the music of Sricharan Pakala, the lyrics of Ramajogayya Sastry, the cinematography of Jaipal Reddy and the reprint of BH Garry, Kshanam and Goodachari. Aadi Saikumar is interrupted because he does not have many films. He then gave life and death to an Action Gold Fish action thriller, directed by Saikiran Adivi.
Although the film shot a few months ago, the film has not been updated yet. We have learned from reliable sources that the team managed most of the photo sessions and that director Sai Kiran Adivi planned all programs on time.
The film plays Aadi Sai Kumar, Kartheek Raju, Nithya Naresh and Sasha Chetri in an exciting drama. The story of the film is based on real events. The filming has been successfully completed and is under construction after production. Manoj Nandam and the popular writer Abburi Ravi played a negative role in this film.
Nithya Naresh in Operation Gold Fish
The official poster of the first appearance of the film launched on 7 November 2018 by a tweeter in Operation Gold Fish. The official compliment of the film published by Mahesh Babu on March 4, 2019. The film shot in the hills of Lambasing and Valle de Aaraku. The release date of the film will announced shortly.
Abburi Ravi said that this role was only once and that he did not want to keep playing: “I had a crazy vision in the film and I did not know how my family would react. I tried to become a director, that my approach: after the last update, all photographic formality of Operation Gold fish completed. Last edit in progress.
The makers have now developed film games. The one-minute video shows some of the main characters in the film. After graduating, Sai Kumar considered a special officer in search of goldfish, a terrorist named Ghazi Baba. Teaser offers a strong tension.