Ratsasan TamilRockers is a 2018 Tamil psychological thriller film directed for the first time by director Ram Kumar. With Vishnu Vishal and Amala Paul in the lead roles, while Saravanan, Kaali Venkat and Ramdoss play supporting roles in the film.
The production started with the music composed by Ghibran in November 2016 and the film, released worldwide on October 5, 2018, received positive reviews and became a blockbuster. The film was re-recorded as Rakshasudu in Telugu (2019) and recalled the role of Amala Paul by Bellamkonda Sreenivas, Vishnu Vishal and Anupama Parameswaran.
Ratsasan Movie Story Line
At the beginning of Ratsasan we can see the murders. A mysterious attacker approaches a trapped woman and starts beating her with an ax. Before we feel the surprise, we can see that you are recording a movie. And the next moment we also know that it is a dream: Arun Kumar (Vishnu Vishal, influential), a filmmaker in the making.
The representatives are open in this psycho-tension. Vishnu Vishal gave Ratsasan his heart, his soul and his sincere approach to the visible figure. Vishnu never went to sea to show the heroic mass, but he remained true to his character. Good script selection always has consequences.
Arun wants to make a film about serial killers, but he must agree to refuse every step. These scenes seem to be references to what director Ram Kumar can do with this real scenario. For Arun, however, the pressure from her family forced her to become a police officer. His deceased father was a police officer and it was not difficult for an uncle (Ramadoss) to enter the police station.
Vishnu Vishal in Ratsasan
Apparently the team thought that Raatchasan’s title would be stronger and he would decide to do it. Kaali Venkat and Munishkanth appeared as secondary characters in films with Ghibran music. The story is about a filmmaker who is a policeman trying to solve a case with his scenario.
Ramkumar chose to photograph with producer Dilli Babu and appeared in Vishnu in July 2017. At the end of November 2017, Amala Paul joined the film and production began later. In June 2017, the film renamed Raatchasan. The satellite rights of the film sold to Sun TV.