Relax Satya Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an Indian Kannada thriller crime film written and directed by Naveen Reddy.G. The film was produced by Mohan Kumar.H.R, G.Mohan Reddy and Chethan.B.R. Under the flag of the Red Dragon. The main roles are Prabhu Mundkur and Manvitha Kamath. The music and music for this film are the camera of Anand Rajavikram and Yogi.
This film printed by the Srikanth. The Tnes film released on November 15, 2019. The film said to have been inspired by the British film of 2009, Alice Creed’s Disappearance.
Relax Satya Movie Story Line
Relax satya, Prabhu Mundkur and Manvitha Kamath, the long-standing detective story, finally made his theatrical debut this week. Director Naveen Reddy, however, said the press will never age, although the film released three years after the original plan. According to Naveen Reddy, Relax Satya will become a thriller because the story is mixed with humor.
The ambition of Kannada filmmakers to produce neo-black is to evacuate Western and Eastern resources. Relax Satya latest inspiration. Get a plot of the disappearance of Alice Creed, who has inspired many recreations over the years. With a little pepper and local coriander (character of song and comedy) the director managed to make a fairly interesting two-hour film.
Removal of Alice Creed. A short story can be better for this film. This increases the stress factor and keeps the viewer on the edge of his seat. If you are a criminal thriller, go to Satya Relax. Despite its length, it is a good thing and a relatively new story for Kannada viewers.
Relax Satya Tamil Dubbed
Relax Satya has released the last song of the film. A song called Kshana Kshana, described by Manvitha Harish and Prabhu Mundkur, sung by Supriya Lohith and Sanjith Hegde. This song written by Anand Rajavikram, lyrics by Dhananjay Ranjan.
“The reaction was fantastic. It was my departure as a solo leader. I was skeptical about the reaction of critics and the public. But I think people can easily digest Satya. I have met people and everyone loves this character.” Prabhu’s smile called the challenge: “Satya is a character with many thoughts in her head.
Prabhu Mundkur, Manjunath, and Manvitha Kamath fit the part of Sathya, Das and Maya and well. Police inspector Kaddipudi Chandru added an interesting element to the story.
Music is also great for thriller-thriller films. Even if this film has all the material the genre wants, the long scenes and the elegant photos are more disappointing than happy. And the story is reminiscent of one of the British films of 2009.