Semma TamilRockers is an Indian Tamil comedy-drama film written by Pandiraj and directed by Vallikanth. The film starring G. V. Prakash Kumar, Arthana Binu, Yogi Babu, Mansoor Ali Khan, Sujatha Sivakumar, Kovai Sarala, and Gayatri Rema in the lead roles. Music composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, Cinematography by Vivek Anand, and Edited by Pradeep E. Ragav.
Sema is a rural comedy-drama with a Trichy background. GM is trying the role of Kuzhandai, a vegetable seller. Her happy life revolves around two people: her mother and best friend (Yogi Babu). Kuzhandai’s mother wanted to marry her and was looking for a suitable friend.
Semma Movie Story Line
Arthana Binu, a young actress from Mollywood and Tollywood, is on stage in her first Tamil movie, Sema. The film is directed by Vallikanthan and the assistant director of Pandiraj. Pandiraj said it was the first movie played for the village hero.
Kuzhandhai (G.V. Prakash Kumar) said to have married Magizhini (Arthana Binu) for the next three months. Problems arise before marriage to Father Balus (attack) Magizhini ‘Mansur Ali Khan’ and their marriage becomes a question mark. If Kuzhandhai married in the allotted time and married Magizhini, it was Semma.
After several refusals, Kuzhandai finally nodded to Magizhini (Arthana). The two families agreed to take the next level and agreed to meet for an event a few days later. But Magizh Balu’s father (Mansur Ali Han) suddenly expressed interest in the alliance when he received an attractive offer from a local MP. Second when Balu married his daughter to a deputy sheriff’s son, he promised to forgive his old guilt.
G. V. Prakash Kumar and Arthana Binu in Semma
Pasanga Productions by director Pandiraj is currently producing romantic comedies with the composer, who became the actor for G. V. Prakash Kumar. Pandiraj’s assistant, formerly known as Vallikanth, was the director of the film, and director Pasanga wrote the dialogue himself. G. V. Prakash Kumar printed the music for the film and Vivek Anand made a camera. Semma also produced by Ravichandran from Linga Bairavi Creations.
Yogi Babu plays the role of an actor in the movie, which also includes Kovai Sarala and Mansur Ali Khan. The team made up of an actor named Jana, who plays the villain. The recording almost finished, there only two songs left. “We’ve been quietly filming for two months in Trichy and Chennai,” said the director.