Shooter Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers originally called Sukha Kahlon, is a new Indian punjabi action movie. Directed by Dilsher Singh and Khushpal Singh. The film starring Jayy Randhawa, Swalina and Vadda Grewal in the lead roles. This movie Produced by KV Dhillon. The film is scheduled for February 21, 2020.
While FIR was recording with a singer who sang to promote the culture of firearms, a Punjab movie “ Shooter, ” suspected of glorifying the mobsters Sukha Kahlwan feared, was screened on September 21 and without action. to stop the start.
Shooter Movie Story Line
Punjab Prime Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has ordered a ban on the film based on the life and crime of famous mobster Sukha Kahlwan. This film encourages acts of violence, racketeering, threats and criminal intimidation. ‘Gunner’ is based on the life of the famous Punjab gangster Sukha Kahlon. This film shows his journey from a relaxed boy to a big name in the dark world.
The movie originally called “Sukha Kahlon”, but later the maker changed to “Shooter” due to controversy. They also changed the main character’s name to avoid further discussion. After that, it became the first Punjabi movie by the Punjabi singer Jayy Randhawa. On the one hand, where artists opted for light films the beginning of their careers, Jayy opted for gangster-based films.
The film industry in Punjab has grown rapidly since its return in the early 2000s. “If 50 Punjabi films made each year, these 35 romantic or family dramas. Four of which relate to action films, perhaps four serious problems and others turned out to from Punjab.
According to a senior official released in the Organized Crime Office of the Punjabi Police Force (OCCU), which deals with gangsters, the movie originally called “Sukha Kahlwan”, but about A movie that glorified the famous gangster movie in 2019 after the Mohali police complained in October, filmmaker KV Dhillon has written to the police that he will stop trying to continue the film.
Shooter Tamil Dubbed
The prime minister also instructed DGP Dinkar Gupta to analyze the possible measures that could be taken against one of the producers of the film KV Dhillon. He would have promised to leave the film under the original name Sukha Khalwan in 2019. The DGP also invited to see the roles of the film’s sponsors, directors and actors.
Mohali police had previously hired after acting as a sniper and receiving complaints about the mobster promoting the film Kahlwan, who reportedly involved in more than 20 cases, including murder, kidnapping and extortion. On January 22, 2015, he murdered by mobster Vicky Gounder and his accomplices when they brought him back to Patiala prison after a case in Jalandhar.