Sufna Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a Punjabi Indian romantic drama film written and directed by Jagdeep Sidhu in 2020. The film’s soundtrack is produced by B Praak and the songs are written and composed by Jaani. This film, produced by Panj Paani Films, stars Ammy Virk, Tania and Jagjeet Sandhu. The film was released in India on February 14, 2020.
Last year, Ammy Virk and director Jagdeep Sidhu gave the Punjabi audience “Qismat” a romantic drama that quickly captured the heart. This movie became one of the best selling punjabi movies in 2018. After the same success, Jagdeep Sidhu and Ammy Virk will combine everything with “Sufna” next year. This film tells the love stories of people who generally ignored by society.
Sufna Movie Story Line
If the story is simple, the script will be difficult. If the story a love story, the chemistry must real, the characters must well sculpted and the people crying, thinking and laughing at dialogue. Son, has Sufna checked all the boxes and are the small boxes generally reserved for simple love stories? The Teg and Jagjeet played by Tania and Ammy.
This movie will make you laugh in some places, but otherwise it’s worth the detour. There are many moments that move you, warm your heart and some make you cry and even around you. The idea of ”love not a change but a change” has explained in detail and seems to be good news for all young people.
The broader message of this film is inclusion, where it clearly responds to the current situation in the country. The young woman is half Muslim and expects her lover to make a special statement. On the contrary, Jeet speaks in a moving scene in which Muslims respect the mosque they left when they moved during the split.
Sufna Tamil Dubbed
In the second hour, the severity creeps. As soon as Teg Jeet told his story, comedy was in the background. Jeet and Teg’s love story designed to test water. We see love, attention, intimacy and separation in less than an hour. But everything fine and well done. Fortunately, Jagdeep Sidhu did not leave the cinema audience, as in Qismat.
Jagdeep Sidhu has updated in the latest social media interaction that his first sufna song with fans will released on January 12. This update comes when social media users ask Jagdeep Sidhu when the trailer and song “Sufna” has been released. The director kept his lips in the trailer, but updated the first song of the film.
The film released on February 14, 2020 on Valentine’s Day. Films by Navneet Virk and Gurpreet Singh, screenplay by Jagdeep Sidhu, music by B Praak, cinematography by Vineet Malhotra, fiction More. The first poster of the film released on December 2, 2019, followed by Ammy Virk and Tania on January 8, 2020. Sufna movie first song of the film released on January 12, 2020.