The Winds – Hawayein Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is an new Indian Hindi drama film written and directed by Yogesh Vats Jogging Singh. The film starring Bhavesh Kumar, Ester Noronha, Parikshit Sahni, Sheeba Akashdeep and Kiran Kumar in the lead roles. This film Produced by Dr.Jogender Singh.
As, we keep on traveling, we go from childhood to the home of the grandmother and the youth of Ladakh, and that’s why the people who appear in this film know each other. This film made by OK Movies and directed by Yogesh Vats.
The Winds – Hawayein Movie Story Line
Aditya, a young man, decided to start a new life and travel alone through India. During his travels he met people who provoked thoughts and situations that changed him as a person. At a certain moment he started to discover himself.
Bhavesh Kumar second film, The Winds (Hawayein), will be released in early 2020. After his debut with P Se Pyaar F Se Faraar, Bhavesh left his mark on Bollywood and was praised for his performance.
His second Hawayein film lasted about 2 years. The film was shot in India and is based on the type of journey. In the film, a child showed his life’s journey from the beautiful Himalayan peaks of Northern India to the vast ocean of Southern India.
This film made by OK Movies and directed by Yogesh Vats. In addition to Bhavesh, experienced actors such as Ester Noronha, Parikshit Sahni, Sheeba and Kiran Kumar also play an important role in this film.
The Winds – Hawayein Tamil Dubbed
Bhavesh started his acting career with an internship at the New Film Academy, where he carefully selected the scripts for the two films based on his interests.
The wind has released this Valentine’s Day. I am sure this film will be a good film for young people. I have worked hard on this film that concerns this scenario. You will feel the wind on Valentine’s Day. Bhavesh is the only actor with a height of 6 feet 6 inches. Because of his personality, the fan base of Bhavesh is growing very fast.