To Let is a dramatic Tamil film written and directed by Chezhiyan in 2018. The movie stars Santhosh Sreeram, Dharun Suseela and ordered his wife Prema to produce them and take them to their owners, and families live in rented houses.
Film To Let represents the years of experience of a few of the lower middle class with a child that has found a rental unit in Chennai. The owners, who had previously refused to rent their homes to some, have solved all their problems, because a single group could receive a sum of money, without precedent, as well as the so-called ordinary stories, and had a high level extraordinary film.
The film won the prize for the best theater, the International Film Festival of Calcutta, the Silver World Human Rights Award in Indonesia and Cine del Sur in Chile.
Film Awards
The film won several prizes around the world and won the Best Film in Tamil at the 65th National Film Awards. After winning a special jury prize at the 49th International Festival of Indian Film, Goa participated in an international competition.
The 25-day film in Chennai tells the story of a middle-class family looking for a home. This story is in harmony with each other human hikaye Imagine a situation where you have a house built in a rented house for years and where the owner has asked you to leave the whole night. damaged and needs to be rebuilt.
Third Project For The Director
A test that allows families to get used to the new environment. Filmmaker Chezhiyan has worked as a cameraman for Paradesi and Joker.