X Ray: The Inner Image Tamil Dubbed TamilRockers is a new indo-Indian Hindi psychological thriller film. It was directed by Rajiv S. Ruia, written by Ram Patil and Rajiv S. Ruia. The film starts with Yashika Kapoor and Rahul Sharma in the main roles of the film. Produced by Anita Sharma and Pradeep K Sharma. Music composed by Raaj Aashoo, the camera of Javed Ahtasham.
The trailer has recently started. One night the trailer shows an incident in which a psychopath, Rahul Sharma, and Yaashi Kapoor hid and searched. Yaashi continued to flee the personal hell that Rahul had done for him. The caravan was able to beat the heart of expectation and fear of what would happen.
X Ray: The Inner Image Movie Story Line
It is the story of a child exposed to the same emotional changes, dilemmas and consequences. Vishal and his family live in a house in the suburbs, because his father likes to live in the countryside and away from the city.
One night the family had to attend a family wedding and Vishal decided not to participate in the show and stay home and have his spare time. Shortly thereafter, when the rest of the family went to the show, Vishal heard him knock on the door of the bungalow. He curses the guard on leave that day. She found a beautiful young woman named Yashi at her door. His car didn’t start because he asked for help.
In the trailer there are opinions about the sensual-romantic songs to ask for more. This song composed by Raaj Aashoo and sung by Dev Negi and written by Alka Khan. X-Ray: The Inner Image one of the few psychological thriller films released this year. The director seems promising for this kind of sound and camera. Progress and development remain true to gender.
Yashika Kapoor and Rahul Sharma in X Ray: The Inner Image
The radiograph becomes the first psycho-thriller, but it shows that the address of the previous tension is too large. The film will shown on November 29 under the poster of Pradeep Ample Sharma’s most meticulous photo father movement.
The direction of Rajiv Ruia and the sadistic tendencies of Rahul and the pure fear on Yaashi’s face make you uncomfortable and the masochists need to know more. Create a perfect wait for the film. The director has brought this tension to life and we have the impression that someone is watching.
The trailer of XRay: The Inner Image with debutant Rahul Sharma and Yaashi Kapoor, released on Monday, promised to be one of the best Indian psychological thriller films. A trailer of two and a half minutes approximately one night. with a series of disturbing emotions, thoughts or memories. The photos show Rahul’s undecided emotions and Yaashi tries to escape him.