Kurangu Bommai TamilRockers is a Tamil-Indian drama film 2017 written and directed by Nithilan Swaminathan. The film features Vidharth, Delna Davis and Bharathiraja in the lead roles, with Elango Kumaravel and P. L. Thenappan plays supporting roles in this film. With the music of Ajaneesh Loknath and the cinematography of Udhayakumar, the film was released on 1 September 2017 to receive positive reviews from critics.
Just like Maanagaram, released earlier this year, Kurangu Bommai is a cinema relay, a serious candidate for this year’s best Tamil film. There are two main stories here. One of them was Sundaram (Bharathirajaa), a former board member in Tanjore, who worked in Ekambaram (PL Thenappan), who owned a sawmill and a criminal. The other was Kathir (Vitharth), son of Sundaram, who lived in Chennai and worked as a guardian.
Kurangu Bommai Movie Story Line
When big films disappoint the audience, it is Bommai’s short film, first performed by director Nithilan as a relief. With a solid background and a very interesting storyline, Nithilan’s excellent non-linear hyperlink from Kurangu Bommai has become one of the best films of the year.
Nithilan very happy with his first film as director Kurangu Bommai and managed to connect talented actors such as Vidharth and Bharathiraja. Nithilan says that Kurangu Bommai is suing someone who is Bharathirajaa, hoping to work with Bharathirajaa again. “The character requires important and special players, but the person he plays with is really different from any other person.
The title of this film about the human spirit that jumps from one thought to another like a monkey jumping over trees. Ajaneesh Loknath directed his first film as music director at Kollywood. Two of them composed three songs written by Na.Muthukumar.
Bharathiraja in Kurangu Bommai
The music of the film composed by Ajaneesh Loknath, while the sound rights of Uvan Records on Yuvan Shankar Raja. The original album released on June 4, 2017 and contained five songs. The film released on September 1, 2017 and received positive reviews from critics.
S Studios, currently sponsored by GV Prakash’s hero, Kupathu Raja, will present the film to the public in Telugu. I think the producer will be responsible for the next distribution and the next film crew.