Aramm TamilRockers is a Tamil drama film written and directed by Gopi Nainar. The film features Nayanthara in the lead role as a regional collector with Ramachandran Durairaj and Sunu Lakshmi in supporting roles in this film. With the music of Ghibran and the cinematography of Om Prakash, the film began to be produced in mid-2016 and will be released on November 10, 2017. After its release.
it recognized by film critics and has good commercial performance. The film will later called Telugu as arth Karthavyam ve and will be released on March 8, 2018. Lakshmi happy girl giving a presentation. She has received much praise for her role in the village of Sumathi in Aramm, and the actress never stops talking about the stars of Nayanthara. “This film is a social drama and Sumathi is a different competition than my acting career.
Aramm Movie Story Line
This film does not play as expected on new faces or less popular faces. Instead, he embodies the most acclaimed and sought after Tamil film heroes. Yes, Nayanthara plays this film in the role of collector. It looks like he has completed his photo shoot for the first time.
Aramm shot in Appanur near Paramakudi. “Thanks to all the future artists who worked hard despite the heat and almost all of us enjoyed the movie at least once during a photo shoot.” He said.
The story begins with district collector Madhivadhani (Nayanthara), who faces a professional challenge when a girl from a small town called Dhanshika (Mahalakshmi) falls into a deep well. The story revolves around the release of Dhanshika and its impact on the personal life of Madhivadhani. The film contains no songs and the main directors of music linked to the scores. A production house in Mumbai financed the project.
Nayanthara in Aramm
Aramm released on November 10, 2017 in Tamil Nadu and received positive reviews from film critics. The satellite rights of the film sold to Sun TV (India). The music of the film composed by Ghibran and the sound rights of the film purchased by Think Music. The album released on July 28, 2017 and contains three songs.
“The participants there to watch fun films, but films with social messages such as Aramm should reach a wider audience, perhaps with the intention of presenting the film.” The film also edited in contemporary Tamil Nadu.