Adavi TamilRockers is the Tamil-Indian drama film directed by Velmurugan Periavan. The film includes Vinoth Kishan, Ammu Abhirami and Attapadi Radhakrishnan in the lead roles. Making old films with a serious but raw look and extreme melodramatic treatment guarantees that they will never touch us emotionally.
Speaking of the interesting title, the director said that Adavi a Tamil word, meaning dense forest that even light cannot penetrate. This film captures the life of a tribe in Kotagiri. At the last contact, the Parthiban actors voted to conserve natural resources to protect nature and people from future disasters.
Adavi Movie Story Line
The story of filmmaker K Sambasivam tells how citizens confronted with the terrible troika of fate, money and power. “What happens when a land consultation plan for a solid indigenous population developed,” said Ramesh. What happens if the locals realize that their strong country threatened by strong people.
Adavi a Tamil film written and directed by Ramesh G. Vinoth Kishan and Ammu Abhirami the main characters in this film. The music composed by Sarath Jada. The Adavi Tamil film will released in September 2020.
While playing leading roles in films such as Naan Mahaan Alla, Vidyum Munn and Imaikkaa Nodigal, Vinoth Kishan is considered the loving affection of Ammu Abhirami Ratsasan. The rest of the actress has selected new faces from the theatrical scene and the area where the film is located, with the exception of the director of RNR Manohar. Ramesh had his own camera, the flutist Sarath composed the music for the film.
Villagers fight for the rights of Murugan and the Valli childhood dream girl. At the opening there confused results that followed a ghost who tempted the police. The chief involved in the investigation when he interviewed an old man from the same village and asked Murugan.
Vinoth Kishan and Ammu Abhirami Adavi
Adavi TamilRockers is a kind of film with fewer films and more news. However, unlike Samuthirakani films that often resemble horses with a high moral character, it is a genuine desire: to save our forests. If sincerity is an advantage, you lose the good intentions you have achieved by just telling a family story.
In this scenario, the villagers approach the neighborhood collector, but the collector prefers their owners. The director tried to transfer the slope to the region and surroundings, which became the tourist center of the city.
Angry young men, brave young women, greedy landowners, immoral rangers and corrupt managers full of characters we met in the stories. However, making an old-fashioned film with a really raw look and extreme melodramatic processing guarantees that we never get emotional, despite the dark and sudden climax.