Andhagaaram TamilRockers is a Tamil supernatural thriller written and directed by V Vignarajan. Arjun Das, Vinoth Kishan, and Pooja Ramachandran play the main characters in this movie. This film was directed by director Atlee and produced by Sudhan Sundaram, Jayaram, Priya Atlee, and K Poorna Chandra.
Passion Studios called “Andhagaaram” and run by rookie Vignarajan, with notes from Pradeep Kumar and a photo of Edwin Sahay. The film starred “Kaithi” and “Master” Arjun Doss and Pooja Ramachandran’s reputation in lead roles, and Mishaa Goshal also portrayed key figures.
The film produced by Sudhan Sundaram and Jayaram from Passion Studio; For Apple Priya Atlee and O2 Pictures‘ K Poorna Chandra, A. Priya said she delighted to see “Andhaghaaram” released on global platforms such as Netflix.
The producer said he is looking forward to hearing audiences in India and around the world. “I am very happy that Andhaghaaram has a spot on Netflix. This film loved by many and will reach viewers from all over India and the world through Netflix, regardless of language. It features the early days of Vignarajan, but it’s a huge “People will remember this long after seeing the movie.”
Andhaghaaram Movie Story Line
Actor Vinoth Kishan, who plays a blind character in the upcoming Tamil thriller “Andhaghaaram”, said the audience in the film would not feel sorry for him for playing such a strong and positive role.
“Andhaghaaram TamilRockers” is a blind wizard’s struggle for survival, a cricketer’s drive for freedom, and a distant psychiatrist’s quest for a cure that takes them all into a dark maze. Your life is an illusion, an illusion, and intertwined darkness, ‘says the summary of this film.
The producer said he was enthusiastic about the response from viewers from all over India and around the world. “I am so happy that Andhaghaaram has found a spot on Netflix. Loved by many, this movie will reach viewers in India and around the world who love stories on Netflix regardless of their language.
“What’s really interesting about this role is the very important part of the story. It feels like the audience so immersed in the movie that they don’t actually know I’m playing a blind role,” said.
Vinoth, who was last seen in the heavy negative role in the Tamil thriller “Vidyum Munn“, said his character in “Andhaghaaram TamilRockers” was very different from the character I played in my last movie. It very positive and you will be surprised.
To play the part, Vinoth has to do his homework.
Arjun Das and Vinoth Kishan in Andhagaaram
“My director did a lot of research on the visually impaired and even made videos to prepare them. We also met some blind people and it really helped me keep a close eye on them,” he said. “Playing a blind character is never physically demanding.”
Although Vinoth appreciated his performance in “Vidyum Munn“, “he” does not “want” to limit himself to similar roles. I am open to anything interesting and challenging. ”
A blind wizard’s struggle for survival, a cricketer’s struggle for liberation, and an isolated psychiatrist’s quest for a cure lead them into a dark maze as their lives woven into a web of deception. Disappointing and dark.