Asuravadham TamilRockers is a 2018 Indian Tamil action-drama thriller film written and directed by Maruthupandian. The film starring M. Sasikumar, Nandita Swetha, Vasumitra, Sheela Rajkumar, Namo Narayana and Sreejith Ravi in the lead role. This film produced by Leela Lalitkumar and music composed by Govind Menon, Cinematography by S. R. Kathir.
Actress and director Sasikumar “Asuravadham’s future work is one of the Tamil films affected by the Kollywood strike. After many delays, there appears to be a release date at the end of the film. According to the report,” Asuravadham will be screened on June 29 and Atharvaa will clash with the comedy “Semma Botha Aagathey“, which will be released the same day.
Asuravadham Movie Story Line
Asuravadham starts with a phone call. We see Samayan (Vasumitra) trying to convince his angry stepfather not to cheat on his wife. He ended the call and went to the next room when the phone rang. He calls her, but the conversation ends. He saw the number. Unknown number Ignored and sent away, but the phone rang again! And the conversation ended before I could join.
This happened several times and angered the man. You try to call back, but the other party ends the call without answering. Finally, the call answered and the voice on the other side of the phone threatened to scared of her life for the next few days saying she would no longer live a week later, and then told him to step on his shirt.
This movie has shot in several areas, including Dindigul and Kodaikanal. The film also closely linked to the poet Vasumitra, known for his role in the movie Kidaari. While the project ended with a 40-day shoot in February 2018, Sasikumar worked for Naadodigal 2 shortly after the end of the film. The company originally announced the launch on April 13, 2018, but the launch postponed due to the Kollywood strike under directed by Nadigar Sangam.
M. Sasikumar and Nandita Swetha in Asuravadham
It all started with a man who complained that he ridiculed by Sasikumar. So much so that Sasikumar has occupied every thought of people. In reply to his reasons, Sasikumar said, “Go ask your partner.” He said. With so many actions and dialogues showing revenge, Asuravadham looks like a drama of revenge. It not surprising that the movie called Asuravadham, which means “Kill the Devil”.
Sasikumar turned to Asura Vadham and completed Naadodigal 2, directed by Samuthirakani, and started shooting. Mr. Marudhupandian, of Chennai Ungalai Anbudan Varaverkirathu, chaired by Asura Vadham. The film said to an action thriller with a semi-urban background. Everyone asked me when I started filming for this movie.
Sasikumar is one of the actors who impresses everyone with realistic representations of the characters in the film. As the actor ‘Nadodigal’ prepared for the release of the highly anticipated ‘Kodiveeran‘ to play on November 30, the title of the next project announced. Recently on social networks, there was a lot of sensation about the title of the next project of the actor.