Bachelor TamilRockers is a Tamil romantic drama film directed by Sathish Selvakumar. Produced by G. Dilli Babu under the flag of the Axess Film Factory, this plays G. V. Prakash Kumar and Divyabharathi as the lead actor. GV Prakash composed the songs and scores of the film. The director of photography, Theni Easwar, produced the cameras and prints of San Lokesh.
Actor and composer Prakash Kumar starred in the film Bachelor directed by beginner Sathish Selvakumar. The project, called a romantic drama, presents the Divyabharathi model as a female hero. The first performance of the film was released on Wednesday evening, but was criticized by most people and considered brutal.
Bachelor Movie Story Line
Following the good answer from Sivappu Manjal Pachai, the new Indian cricket player Harbajan Singh has released a new poster for a romantic theatrical film Bachelor called G. V. Prakash Kumar. The film directed by Sathish Selvakumar, who disinfected the former deputy director of Sasi. Divya Bharathi will appear as a hero in this film.
The poster, published by Chennai Spinner Super Kings Harbhajan Singh on Twitter, shows an aesthetically drawn image of GV Prakash (perhaps his girlfriend in the film) on a girl’s lap. this called exploitation.
The film also includes Bagavathi Perumal and the YouTube channel Nakkalites Arun and Prasanna. While Theni Easwar interested in the camera, GV Prakash will be interested in music. Dilli Babu is a financing film under the motto of Axess Film Factory.
GV Prakash Kumar and Divyabharathi in Bachelor
Some GV Prakash wanted to promote family films, such as the latest release of Sivappu Manjal Pachai and did not act in obscene films; “Virgin parasanga sabam summa vidathu” by Trisha Illana Nayanthara.
GV Prakash, the pioneer of music studies, Dudush-Vetrimaran for Sudhan Kongara and Doorush-Vetrimaran and Soorarai Pottru Suriya Sudha Kongara’s 2D entertainment from the airline’s founder Deccan and Suriya from the airline.