Comali TamilRockers is the next comedy drama film produced by Vels International. The film, also known as JR24, is written and directed by Pradeep Ranganathan. The main roles are Jayam Ravi, Kajal Aggarwal and Samyuktha Hegde. Jayam Ravi and Kajal play together for the first time. Although Kajal Sakalakala is in Vallavan, he cannot be with Jayam Ravi because of a conflict with other film projects.
We have heard that the films will be on PK Aamir Khan. Jayam Ravi has decreased by around 20 kg for this film. The other stars are KS Ravikumar, Yogi Babu and Samyuktha Hegde. The film grew slowly in Chennai, and most of them were filmed in specific schools.
Comali Movie Story Line
Ravi awaits the release of adangamaru, which will be released around the world on December 21. The actor is also a terrible agent who observes the sexual harassment of Karthik Thangavel, who also leads Raashi Khanna and Azhagam Perumal. This movie trailer received a very good response to social networks. In an interview, the director announced that Jayam Ravi will appear in 9 different shows in the next film.
Pradeep Ranganathan’s award-winning short film Appa Lock said to have gained fame. The next director managed to impress all of Tamil Nadu’s performance before his debut. Kavita will soon be shooting the next Kannada film, Operation Kamli, directed by Shyam Shimoga. A Hindi film also released for Aamir Khan’s younger brother, Faisal Khan. It is a horror thriller based on real events.
The film contains Kannada Samyukta Hegde, the first actor to have watched Tamil. KS Ravikumar and Yogi Babu are other actors in this film. Known for his videos on YouTube, RJ Anandhi played his role as a film actor. Ravi will try to tackle Komali in a short time before he solves the big problem where Thani Oruvan 2 is waiting, where he will join his brother Mohan Raja. With sophisticated actors who will bring many famous names together, this suite should be twice as attractive as the first episode.
Jayam Ravi in Comali
On the poster the player wore a diseased coat and seemed very perplexed, WhatsApp, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. Like the icons of various social networking applications. It clear that he will interested in the technique of this film. The director had previously announced that Jayam Ravi would use nine different performances, including slaves and cavemen pulled from the film.
Jayam Ravi shown nine different role in this film. Happy in the 90s, caveman, British slaves, kings, etc. As you can see, this film is about human evolution as part of the story in which it will be different. The release date of Comali has not yet reached, but we know that Jayam Ravi will broadcast the footage of the film every day in the coming days. After two shows we look forward to the publication of the seven posters next week.
I want to download the comali film
I want to dwonload
I dint see this movie in teater so i want to dwonload comali movie
Wat should i say
very good movie
it is a life story for a man