Damayanthi TamilRockers is an Indian Horror, Thriller, comedy, film shot in 2019 under the direction of Navarasan. With Radhika Kumarswamy. The secondary actors were Bhajarangi Loki, Sadhu Kokila, Tabala Nani, Mithras, Giri, Paja Maja, Kempae Gowda, Sharan Ulthi, Karthik, Naveen Krishna, Mysore Bala, Anusha, Anjana and Veena Sundar.
Radhika Kumaraswamy, a hero from Tamil films such as Iyarkai and Varnajaalam, returned to the Tamil cinema with Damayant from Navarasan before concentrating on Telugu and Kannada.
Damayanthi Movie Story Line
The music of the film is R. Ganesh Narayan and the cinematography P.K.H. Damayanthi, the lonely princess Rajendra Varma of the royal Devapura family, Damayanthi is a professional doctor, Bhyra is a distant relative of the Damayanthi family.
He killed a very perverted family for the ownership of Money and Sake. 15-20 years later, Damayanthi replicates stories about horror, thriller and comedy with the help of heroes and friends from Bhyra.
Radhika Kumaraswamy and Damayanthi, who have become one of the most ambitious projects of this year, will take place on Saturday as part of the film’s progress.
Radhika Kumarswamy in Damayanthi
A film aimed at women shows a music published by Ganesh Narayan Hospital and PKH Das, which deals with cinematography.
Radhika Kumaraswamy Damayanthi recently released her second photo. The seducer starts with Radhika, a scary visual, with a beautiful palace with a terrible visual surface.
In addition to Damayanthi, he engaged to Radhika Bhairadevi. The film shot by director Srijai (RX Soori), who directed Duniya Vijay. Bhairadevi asked Ramesh Aravind to play the lead role.