Eureka TamilRockers is the next Telugu action romance film written and directed by Karteek Anand. The film was produced by Prashanth Tata and Lalitha Kumari Bodducher under LakshmiPrasad Productions, Eureka movie starring Karteek Anand, Munna, Shalini Vadnikatti, Dimple Hayathi and Samiksha.
Music director Naresh Kumaran has collected songs and scores for this film. N. B. Vishwakanth directed the camera for this film and directed it with Garry BH and Anil Kumar P.
Eureka Movie Story Line
Eureka managed 90% of the photo shoot. Director Karthik Anand shot the film at various locations in Hyderabad. Karteek Anand played an important role, Dimple, Shalini, Munna and Apoorva defending the interests of love.
Director Karthik wanted to respond positively to the teaser and said the film based on the technical knowledge of the university. “I think this film will impress the audience and I want to thank everyone who has appreciated the continuous development of the film and I am sure we will meet the expectations of the audience.” said the director.
It is a love thriller and the first appearance evokes good reactions. Hope and curiosity in the film increased after the first appearance. The post-production of the film is in full swing and the producer will soon approve and publish the release date.
Karteek Anand in Eureka
All teams are currently completing the final phase of the session, which can take several days to create multiple patches. It is interesting to note that “Eureka” is the fastest film of the latest Telugu films and that all recording sessions will be completed in the last week of May.
The answer to the compliments is very surprising and the unity of the film is excited. Film makers have finished filming and are in post-production. Director Karthik wanted to respond positively to the teaser and said the film based on the technical knowledge of the university.
Prashant producers thank the film department for their efforts in producing films. He also praised the director’s efforts to develop excellent concepts. “I hope the public will support our efforts and that we will announce the release date to the cinema and that the film will be broadcast immediately,” said the producer.